>! Translated from Russian to English by simple electronic translator. Some words can be translated incorrect!<


or "the Theory of Changed (Increased) Gravitation of the Earth".


I. Positions of theory.
II. Arguments in favour of theories.
III. Possibly effects of theory, complying with facts.
IV. Headwaters of theory.
V. The Reasons generated theory. (by request)
VI. Reasons ruins of plants. (by request)
VII. Reasons ruins bestial. (by request)
VIII. The Possible reasons gravitational cataclysm and further scenario of events. (by request)
IX. Why dinosaurs could not survive. (by request)
X. Literature. (by request)
XI. What about modern theory of gravitation. Problem of increasing Universe and infrared spectral displacement.

I. Positions of theory.

1. Near 65 million years back Earth beginning be deleted from the Sun with increasing a radius of its orbit with 86 before 150 לכם. km, i.e. aproximately in 1,7 times.

2. Changing an orbit of the Earth could be accompanied by changing a corner of slopping to axis of its rotating to planes of ecliptic.

3. 1,7 multiple increasing a radius of orbit of the Earth was accompanied 3-times increase gravitational attractions on its surfaces, i.e. with the square-law dependency. Change an gravitation planet carried a relative nature, i.e. it was bound not with changing a mass of the Earth, but with changing a tension gravitational field of Sun on its orbit.

4. 3-times increase an gravitation the Earth had for its biosphere nature of global cataclysm, as a result which extincted much of flora and faunas of planet, or were much later, or not been able to adapt to new gravitational conditions of dwelling.

5. As a result of removing from the Sun, has ed climat Earth. But as a result of changing a slopping to axis of rotating a Earth, have appeared seasonal change climat and swing of temperatures on surfaces of planet (have appeared a polus of chill).

6. As a result of increasing a pressure external laeyrs lithospheres of the Earth on internal, to the account of increasing their weight, is enlarged activity inside the planets.

7. In view of weight disbalance has occurred a schism Pangee and began a driftage newborned continents for the reason reconstruction disbalance power and moments from their masses. At push for the schism Pangee could serve a reason, led to changing a slopping to axis of rotating a Earth and increasing a radius of its orbit. Or on the contrary, some reason has changed an orbit of the Earth, but come up for the result of relative increase an gravitation disbalance power and moments from enlarging weight of Pangee has brought about its schism and changing a corner of slopping to axis of rotating a Earth to planes of ecliptic.

8. Possible had a deceleration of rotating a Earth around its axis that has brought about a lengthenning a time of the day, but signifies and to strong dayly swings of temperature that was particularly ruinous for coldblooded organisms.

Arguments in favour of theories.

1. Triple difference in sizes modern bestial and plants and their distant limits (related it types). Difference in sizes, but not in proportions!

2. Totality of extinction of many types (basically gigantic) bestial and plants on the whole globe.

3. Unreturness of extinction of Types of giants, not having in that time more small type-likes.

4. Prevalence full extinction exactly amongst gigantic types of bestial and plants.

5. Coincidence of time of extinction dinosaurs and return in the water ambience of dwelling the limits modern whale-likes.

6. Coincidence of time of extinction dinosaurs with change climat and changing a corner of slopping to axis of rotating a Earth to planes of ecliptic. For changing a corner of slopping to terrestrial axis needed was a deep reason!

7. Scientific fact: increasing an activity of bowels of the earth in times dinosaurs.

8. Scientific fact: increasing an erosion of ground in dinosaurs times. Reason: steam shell, existed around the Earth before the global cataclysm.

9. Ubiquitous cover woods in times of dinosaurs extinction.

10. Breaking necks and tails of dinosaurs sign quickliness of gravitation change. For changing an orbit to the Earth with its orbital velocity in 30 km/with was necessary at all little time - from 24 day aproximately. Even having enlarged this time in 120 once (that corresponds 10 s), considering tangent path when changing the orbits, even in this case beside dinosaurs did not appear possibilities to adapt to new gravitational conditions.

11. Structure eggs shield petrified remainders eggs last dinosaurs bes indicative of periodic changeses climat in times global cataclysm. Reason that could be elliptical (at first) path of new orbit of the Earth, or enlarged warm conduction air (but signifies and quick coolling off eggs on nights) and even possible lengthenned day because of the deceleration of rotating a planet.

12. If orbit of the Earth was earlier located between orbits Mercury and Venus, the density of number of planets from Mercury before the Saturn were located in the order (!) of decrease that corresponded modern theory to planet systems evolutions.

13. Given paleo- sciences speak of quickly cataclysm: found petrified remainder of gigantic trees, covered under the heterogeneous layers sorts: sedimentary sorts, volcanic ash - moreover layers were rather greater on the thickness.

14. The Remainder beside reptiles in the manner of creeping and water and only four-legged, as an example evolution adjustments to changed Gravitational to conditions.

15. Long neck an plesiosaurs washes obliquely be indicative of high waves of ancient moore, because of the smaller weight of water in that time.

16. Sole of legs of giants like brachiosaur was too small for dwelling in marshlands under their weight in modern Gravitational conditions. They constantly knitted!

17. Besides, beside the herbivorous sauropod-giants was too small head to feed such gigantic organism in modern Gravitational conditions.

18. Long-lasting term lifes required for achievements of sizes of gigantic dinosaurs do not combine with their blood pressure in 6-10 once big, than beside the person, if consider that they veins in "modern" conditions of Gravitation.

19. Ptherosaur weight in 70 kgses and wingspan in 12 metres flew. But person by the weight in same 70 kg not capable to conquer a sky by means of its muscular power only, have ultra-light materials for making the flying machines. Radio-model a copy ptherosaur head-to-head also can not rise, but model one to two just rise away from the land, but cannot to fly.

20. The Theory Gravitational Cataclysm has a decisive superiority of other theories, explaining ruin of dinosaurs otherwise - an enourmous amount of additional disadvantage factors, crushed on the head of dinosaurs, aside from change an Gravitation on the Earth.

21. Mars "Observer" spaceship crashed down on the Mars because with my theory of Relative Gravitational changes gravitation on the Mars some bigger than counted by newtonian theory =8,76m/sec2. "Pathfinder" didn't crashed too because landed in big ball-like cover.   22. My theory of Relative Gravitational changes can explain the "red displacement" in spectrum of far galaxies by Relativity of Gravitation, but not by Increasing Universe.

III. Possible effects of theory, complying with facts.

1. Cold snap climat. Appearance of poluses of chill and seasonal temperature fluctuations and as a whole global change climate on the whole planet.

2. Increasing an activity of bowels of the earth. Volcanic activity Activation, tectonic processes, lowerring land, transgression geological - maximum for the whole history of the Earth.

3. Increase in the volume and speedup of erosion of ground. Floods, carrying a big amount of sedimentary sorts.

4. Schism of Pangee and long driftage of its splinters - modern continents.

5. Type Transformation of bestial and plants. Proportional reduction of sizes of practically all wrunging types.

6. Turning the limits modern whale-likes in the water ambience of dwelling.

7. Possible survival of some types of water dinosaurs in the scant few. For instance "Loch-Ness monster" in Scotlands.

8. Appearance of birds.

9. Ubiquitous cover woods. Extinction of the Plants with the weak root system.

10. Appearance of floral plants because of increasing density, amounts and power winds. Duplication by the pollination.

11. Bony fish Appearance and other types bestial with more strong skeleton.

Headwaterses of theory.

1. Theory Relative Gravitational Change or Theory of Gravitational Relativity.

2. Principle of bones and muscles toughness correlation (Allometric analysis). Halliley's Theory of Resemblance..

3. Theory (Principle) Viability.

What about modern theory of gravitation. Problem of increasing Universe and infrared spectral displacement in far galaxies.

If my theory is correct? Then I can explain the infrared spectral displacement in far galaxies by effect of gravitational relativity, but not by increasing of Universe.

>! Translated from Russian to English by simple electronic translator.<

Kanat Abildinov [1996]

With any comments and questions mail2kanat@yahoo.com

!!!If you don't understand some incorrect translations, then send me that part of the text. I'll retranslate it manually.